Best Ergo Desktop Kangaroo Pro Junior Alternatives

Based on reviews from,,,, and more.

Things to consider when looking for the best Ergo Desktop Kangaroo Pro Junior alternatives

When comparing reviews for products, these are the top things reviewers talk about:

  • Comfort: 42 mentions
  • Ergonomics: 21 mentions
  • Design: 8 mentions
  • Durability: 7 mentions
  • Style: 3 mentions
  • Assembly: 3 mentions
  • Color: 3 mentions
  • Price: 3 mentions

Based on 104 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great eco-friendly design with over 90% recycled content and high recyclability
High-end build quality and adjustability for comfortable long-term sitting
Certified with numerous standards, including Cradle to Cradle and GREENGUARD
Not suitable for larger individuals
Some users have had issues with armrests and lumbar support
Expensive compared to other chairs on the market


Overall, the Herman Miller Mirra 2 receives mixed reviews. Many users appreciate the chair's eco-friendly design and high-end build quality, as well as its adjustability and comfort for long periods of sitting. However, some users have found the chair to be overpriced and not suitable for larger individuals, while others have had issues with the armrests and lumbar support. Despite these criticisms, many users still believe that the Mirra 2 is worth the investment for a comfortable and durable office chair.