Tarte Park Ave Princess

Tarte Park Ave Princess

Based on 10 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great for fair skin
Easy to apply
Natural-looking matte finish
Waterproof and long-lasting
Provides a light bronze contour
Not ideal for contouring
Strong odor
Packaging has changed (for some customers)


Overall, customers seem to love Tarte Park Ave Princess bronzer for its ease of application, natural-looking matte finish, and ability to provide a light bronze contour for fair skin. Some customers have noted that the product has a strong odor and that the packaging has changed, but these issues do not seem to detract from the overall positive experience with the product. Additionally, the bronzer is praised for being waterproof and long-lasting, making it a great option for hot and humid weather. Despite some minor complaints, customers highly recommend Tarte Park Ave Princess bronzer and some have been loyal users of the product for years.


Item Form


Finish Type





Tarte Cosmetics


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