Cobra King Forged Tec

Cobra King Forged Tec

Based on 6 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great distance and forgiveness
Excellent feedback and feel
Workable and versatile for a variety of shots
Buttery soft feel when hit
Confidence boosting look
Not recommended for high handicappers
Price may be a bit steep for some golfers
Not as forgiving as some other game improvement irons on the market


Overall, the Cobra King Forged Tec receives high praise for its distance, forgiveness, workability, and feel. It is recommended for mid to low handicappers and is a great addition to any golfer's bag. The club is versatile and can handle a variety of shots, making it a reliable choice on the course.



Satin Chrome

Golf Club Flex


Hand Orientation


Golf Club Loft

44 Degrees


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