Essence Long-Lasting Eye Pencil

Essence Long-Lasting Eye Pencil

Based on 47 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great value for the price
Easy to apply
Retractable, no need for a pencil sharpener
Dark and smooth application
Long-lasting (for some customers)
Not water or smudge-proof
Flaking and transfer issues for some customers
Some customers have experienced issues with the product breaking or not applying smoothly


Overall, the reviews for Essence Long-Lasting Eye Pencil are mixed. Some customers love the product and find it easy to apply and long-lasting, while others have experienced issues with flaking and transfer. The price point is generally seen as a positive aspect of the product. Some customers have had issues with the product breaking or not applying smoothly. It is important to note that the product is not advertised as water or smudge-proof. Despite some negative reviews, many customers continue to purchase and enjoy the product.





Essence cosmetics

Item Form


Finish Type



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