Fitbit Surge

Fitbit Surge

Based on 38 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great ability to do everything well
Built-in GPS and heart rate monitor are useful for workouts
Provides a wealth of data and feedback
Has a nice ecosystem and presents data in a meaningful way
Not 100% accurate in calorie counting
Text notification and music control features could be improved
Battery life may not last for longer runs


The Fitbit Surge receives mixed reviews, with some praising its ability to do everything well and others criticizing its accuracy and design. The built-in GPS and heart rate monitor are useful for workouts, but the battery life may not last for longer runs. The text notification and music control features could be improved. Overall, the Fitbit Surge is a good activity tracker with a wealth of data and feedback, but it may not be necessary for everyone.


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Compatible Devices

Smartphones : smartphones|smart phones|android phones

Screen Size

0.96 Inches


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