
Upgrade Pick

in Powered Speaker


Based on 6 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great upgrade option for sound system
Specific "bright" sound can be easily tamed
Recommended by multiple reviewers
Other recommended options available (RCF ART7 or HD series, EV EKX and ETX, JBL PRX 800s)
Behringer xr18 mixer suggested as a good option
Not all reviewers are fans of JBL as a company
Some reviewers suggest looking at other options if budget is a concern
The EV ZLX is not recommended for FOH for rock bands


Overall, reviewers suggest that the JBL SRX800 series is a good option for those looking for a noticeable upgrade in their sound system. While JBL may have a specific "bright" sound, it can be easily tamed. Other recommended options include the RCF ART7 or HD series, EV EKX and ETX, and JBL PRX 800s. The EV ZLX is not recommended for FOH for rock bands. A Behringer xr18 mixer is also suggested as a good option.


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